Popular pungko-pungko spot in Mandaue shut down by BPLO

Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede has assumed as acting mayor of Mandaue City with Mayor Jonas Cortes serving his 1 year suspension. | Mary Rose Sagarino
Popular pungko-pungko outlet in Mandaue shut down temporarily by BPLO

Personnel from Mandaue City government’s Business Process and Licensing Office (BPLO) issues a cease and desist order against the Pungko-Pungko sa CDU, a popular pungko-pungko outlet in Mandaue City. | Mary Rose Sagarino

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines — The famous “Pungko-Pungko sa CDU” in Mandaue City has temporarily closed after being issued notice of suspension with cease and desist order by the city Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) for operating without valid permits and regulatory clearances.

Lawyer Walter Shane Lumbre, BPLO Inspection Division head, said that they issued the notice last Friday, Aug. 16 after they received a complaint from a private individual.


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Lumbre said that the notice was also issued after they still failed to comply with the requirements even with several inspections and reminders made for over a year.

The BPLO said that the purpose of the regulation was to secure public safety and the public welfare, considering that the establishment was handling and serving food.

Lumbre said that the City Health Office had also inspected the stalls and found out that they were not able to secure a sanitary permit.

There are five stalls of “pungko-pungko” there, but they can apply a business permit together since they are a family that owns the area, he said.

The BPLO’s Inspection Division head said that it would also be unfair for other businesses who religiously secured the necessary permits.

“As we all know, naa man gud na silay identity ba nga Pungko-Pungko sa CDU, so all the more nga magregulate gyud ta supposedly,” Lumbre said.

(As we all know, Pungko-Pungko sa CDU has really an identity, so all the more that we regulate them supposedly.)

“Whole year last year, nagremind na mi ana nila nga mokuha mo og business permit kay pagkaon inyong gitinda, and most especially, naa pa gyud mo sa school zone. Nag-apply na daw sila pero kuwang gyud ila requirements,” he said.


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(For the whole year, last year, we reminded them to get a permit because they are selling food, and most especially, they are in a school zone. They told us that they had already applied but they lack the necessary requirements.)

The “Pungko-Pungko sa CDU” offers different fried food such as pork intestines, ‘dynamite’,  and meatballs among others.

Aside from students, many individuals also visit and travel in Mandaue City just to buy food there.

The BPLO is reminding businesses to obtain permits and clearances to avoid sanctions and penalties.