Mandaue Mayor Cortes talks about ‘suspension,’ plans if …

Mayor Jonas Cortes says night classes will soon be a thing of the past

Mayor Jonas Cortes says night classes will soon be a thing of the past

Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes shares his plans and talks about the suspension order of the Ombudsman. | screen shot of Mary Rose Sagarino video

Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes shares his plans and talks about the suspension order of the Ombudsman. | screen shot of Mary Rose Sagarino video

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines — Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes said he would continue to serve Mandauehanons if the suspension against him would be imposed by the Office of the Ombudsman.

Cortes said that there’s no one who could stop him to go to the community level to the grassroots to serve the Mandauehanons.

He said that he would have more time then, if it would be imposed, to serve in the community level, to be closer to the Mandauehanons.


Why is Mayor Jonas Cortes suspended?

Bercede stands by Cortes amid Ombudsman suspension order

Mayor Jonas Cortes of Mandaue City suspended for 1 year

He assured that all of his projects and programs would continue as he had already spoke with Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede. 

The projects would include the groundbreaking of the one-stop-shop government center inside the Cebu International Convention Center on August 29.

The mayor also expressed gratitude to his supporters for their continued belief and support and asked them to remain calm.

“We have to respect unsay decision, atoang subayon ang proseso, legal nga pamaagi. Gusto man ta og kausaban, let us be mature enough to face our problems,” he said.

(We have to respect what the decision is, we will follow the process, through legal means. We want change, let us be mature enough to face our problems.)

“Salamat kaayo sa mainiton nga supporta, akong pasalig ang tanang Mandauehanon nga aduna gyuy luna sa akong kasing-kasing,” he said.

(Thank you for your warm support, my assurance is that all Mandauehanons have always a space in my heart.)

Cortes said that the suspension was just a challenge of being a public servant.

READ MORE: Mayor Jonas Cortes to appeal his suspension for 1 year

He also said during an interview with the media on Friday, August 23, that he was not surprised with the suspension to be imposed by the Ombudsman.

He said that this was because of him being in politics and cases had been lodged against him.

“Naa ta sa politika, expect the unexpected…Usa ni ka hagit….Ang pana bitaw can only be shot by pulling it backwards, that’s temporary. It means that it will launch you into something great. Naa pay mas maayong muabot, temporary ra ni. Sukad kaniadto, I’ve learned to embrace the storms in my political career,” said Cortes.

(We are in politics, expect the unexpected…this is one of the challenges…an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards, that’s temporary, it means that it will launch you into something great. Good things will come, this is only temporary. Like before, I’ve learned to embrace the storms in my political career.)

Cortes assured that he would continue serving as mayor while the suspension order was pending. 

He emphasized that he was not afraid of the suspension since it’s an administrative matter, not corruption.

However, he believes the one-year suspension is too severe for him designating an officer-in-charge at the Mandaue City Social Welfare and Services (CSWS).

The Ombudsman suspended Cortes for one year without pay for grave misconduct after he allegedly made illegal appointments at City Hall.

Cortes said that his designation of Camilo Basaca Jr. as an office-in-charge of CSWS last 2022 was made in good faith.

Cortes said they would explore all legal options to challenge the decision, noting that a similar case under the previous administration was dismissed by the Ombudsman.

“It was not an appointment. Klaro kaayo ug tataw nga ang atoang (designation) kang Camilo Basaca Jr. was OIC kay niresign atong time ang department head, so wala dayun tay ikapuli, siya ang atoang temporarily gidesignate. Mao nang naglibog ko,” he said.

(It was not an appointment. It is very clear that our (designation) of Camilo Basaca Jr. was OIC because the department head at that time resigned, so we did not have anybody to take over, he was temporarily designated, that is why I am confused.)

“Atong gidesignate, whom I truly believed who has a capacity to improve the services of CSWS, one of the most vital departments in Mandaue. Many Mandauehanons can attest. Since si Basaca ang OIC, daghan kausaban nahimo. Dali kaayo ang assistance,” said Cortes.

(I designated, whom I truly believed who has a capacity to improve the services of CSWS, one of the most vital departments in Mandaue. Manay Mandauehanons can attest. Since Basaca became the OIC, many changes were made. The assistance is now quicker.)