Mandaue Vice Mayor Bercede assumes as acting mayor


Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede has assumed as acting mayor of Mandaue City with Mayor Jonas Cortes serving his 1 year suspension. | Mary Rose Sagarino

Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede has assumed as acting mayor of Mandaue City with Mayor Jonas Cortes serving his 1 year suspension. | Mary Rose Sagarino

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines — Mandaue City Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede has assumed as acting mayor after the implementation of Ombudsman’s order to suspend Mayor Jonas Cortes of one year for grave misconduct.

Bercede confirmed on Monday, Aug. 26, that he received a call from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG-Mandaue) on Saturday and received the memorandum from DILG-7 on Sunday.

“We abide sa decision sa Ombudsman,” said Bercede.

(We abide by the decision of the Ombudsman.)


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Mayor Jonas Cortes of Mandaue City suspended for 1 year

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Bercede said that despite his assumption, all the projects and programs of Cortes would be implemented. 

There will also be no changes of  personnel at the Mayor’s Office and department heads.

“Og unsay nasugdan, ako gyud nang ipadayun as kaabag nga dili mobabag, as I promised, kay dili ko mahimong bise mayor kung wala ang mayor,” said Bercede.

(What was started, I will continue it as an ally, we will not be a hindrance, as I promised, because I will not be a vice mayor if there is no mayor.)

Bercede, however, said that he might also implement new projects.

He also said that assuming as acting mayor was not new for him as he had assumed several times whenever Cortes would be on leave but this time it would be different.

“Now is different, kay dili lang one month or two months,” he said.

(Now is different because this will not only be a month or two months.)


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He also believed that the suspension was politically motivated.

Following Bercede’s assumption as acting mayor, City Councilor Nerissa Soon-Ruiz also ascends to the position of acting vice mayor. 

Bercede led the city’s celebration of National Heroes Day on Monday.

In his message, Bercede honored all the ancestors who fought for the country’s freedom and recognized the present heroes who continued to stand for what is right.

Bercede also reiterated his support for suspended Mayor Jonas Cortes. He said that even with the challenges, Cortes would continue to fight for the progress of Mandaue

“We draw strength from his example and from the examples set by our heroes, both past and present. The battles we face today may be different, but the courage, resilience, and determination required are the same,” he said.

“It is this unyielding spirit that drives us to Move Mandaue forward, to overcome obstacles, and to continue building a future that honors the sacrifices of those who came before us—and those who stand with us now,” said Bercede.