Toledo City farmer shot dead while harvesting tomatoes

Toledo City farmer shot dead while harvesting tomatoes

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CEBU CITY, Philippines – A farmer was shot while harvesting tomatoes at around 6:15 a.m. on Wednesday, January 15, in Sitio Danawan, Brgy. Biga in Toledo City, Cebu.

The victim, who was identified as Bacalso Dacuma, a 51-year-old resident of Sitio Cumba in the same barangay, was already dead when brought to the Toledo City Hospital.

As of this writing, police continue to investigate Dacuma’s death as they also try to identify his killer.

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Police Staff Sergeant Roberto Eribito, investigator of Toledo City Police Station, said that Dacuma left their home early to harvest his tomatoes.

His common-law partner Lea Kilag said that she heard a gunshot shortly after Dacuma left their home, which prompted her to check on him.

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Kilag said she saw Dacuma lying in a pool of blood when she arrived at the farm.

Dacuma no longer made it to the hospital alive.

READ: 3 dead, 1 injured in Cebu in a span of 2 days

Eribito said they are looking at all possible motives, including livelihood and personal grudge, in investigating the farmer’s killing.

Kilag, for her part, told the police that she did not have any idea as to who could have killed Dacuma, whom she described as a good person.

Meanwhile, Toledo City police are asking possible witnesses to help in their ongoing investigation.