

RU 3


THESE  millennials— what girl can resist a cutie, especially when good voice and charm  is the premium of the package. We may not like to admit it, but to them, the “unattainable” always gets their attention.

Reuel Don Maravilla Roque or DJ Ru of OOMPH RADIO 105.1 has this  Southern appeal—yes, he is a son of a haciendero.

While  he may have gotten over the brooding bad guy phase, the child in him is still clearly there.

In tune and on the point— “Well, my cat woke me up—it’s either he scrambles for my phone or he sits on my face.”

Candidly, he talks about music, anime and movies. Here’s a  23-year-old  radio personality to watch out for,  one who has   been billed as the voice of today’s boys. Tune in with DJ Ru and never miss a beat. He is quite a handful. (Special thanks : Chiqui Cartagena – Lastierre )

Let’s cut to the chase —how’s your love life?
I am single. People keep on asking why I am still single and I really don’t know what to answer them. Maybe in God’s time I will find that perfect someone.
I don’t think  now is that perfect time.

Why is that?
I have been so bad at it. I keep getting friend-zoned. In film school, they would call me Mr. Flavor of the Month because every month I would have a crush on a new girl and end up  being friend-zoned by the girl. I once went out with this Korean girl in school. We had difficulty understanding each other and we just  laughed about  it all time. Things sort of developed, and after six months, I asked her what  the score is between us, and that’s when I found out that she already had to leave for Korea. Long distance relationship is difficult… although it can work for some people. So it was a pretty good ending  compared to the others. We are still  good friends and  keep in touch.

What do you look for in a partner?
A simple girl who  loves the outdoors. She also has to be God-fearing, of course. Preferably  an anime lover, and at least knows how to sing… me and my brother have this weird habit of breaking into a song, like a spontaneous duet.

You have this  spontaneous song numbers…
Yes. At times with my sister, too. The last song that me and my brother sang to was  Buble or Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight” then Hotline Bling. We just sang it  one evening while lazing around the house.

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Your being a DJ, how did it start?
It’s a funny story. I was then working at a call center in IT Park and my brother decided to join an audition for MTV VJ Hunt. My mom talked me into accompanying my brother, and trying out  as well. But I was really not into it since I am not into facing the camera and all that. Somehow, one morning, as I got out from work, I decided to may as well try it and, unluckily, I did not make it. They just didn’t like me. So I put it all behind me… things were kind of very hard for me because I was a film student, and there I was working in an industry not really geared towards my craft. I was somehow bored.  I just chose to be patient and luckily after two months I got a call from Viva in Manila talking me into trying it as  a DJ for Oomph Radio.

How was the screening process?
I made it sa local screening here then went to Manila for the training along with Manila-based DJs. The entire experience was fun. We did a lot of exercises on articulation because you  have to describe stuff that your audience can’t see… they are mainly relying on what you have to say.

How’s the life of a DJ? We heard that  you have quite a following here in Cebu?
It is fun. When  I play my favorite song, I just dance inside the booth. But you must have a jacket because it can get  really cold in the booth.  At times I receive crazy messages from listeners and I also get to talk a lot about personal stuff… serious matters such as love and relationships, the hugot stuff. Some listeners get the kick out of listening how I read Tagalog or Bisaya messages. Yes, I am still working on my native tongue.


How do you cope with the local language?
For Tagalog, I can always man, pero I am just so terrible at it. I can pretty much handle my Bisaya, however there are lawom words that I have to research pa.

Being a popular DJ, do you like being recognized in public?
Sometimes, I receive text messages that they saw me daw as I was walking towards home. There’s also this one time, I think it was during the Sinulog, and as I stepped out of the station, in the middle of the festivities and all, a group of teens  shouted my name. I just continued walking and they still followed, yelling my name, trying to catch my attention. I just shouted back, “Pit Senyor!”

What’s your beat right now?
It depends on my mood. If I want to get pumped up I listen to Maroon Five or some Linkin Park. On my maoy moments, I listen to R & B and some sad rap. I don’t think there’s a special genre for sad rap… it’s just rap with sad lyrics. I have a playlist on my phone for walking, for workout, and most specially for maoy or brooding.

You seem to be on a lot of stuff—music, movies, anime—what motivates you to keep on pursuing these?
Purpose. Back then I really don’t think about the whole popularity thing because that is not my motivation. For me popularity could be a tool or a test of your character or your faith. One of my driving reasons is basically to be a good example. Human as we are, we all have our days and we just have to keep on moving forward. You can’t let slow days bring you down. That’s also the reason why I amlooking forward to having my saxophone fixed because playing it taught me a lot about myself. I grew up with it. When I was in Chicago, I was part of the  music ministry of our church. I want to teach some people how to play it since it’s not a commonly played musical instrument,  and it’s a really sexy instrument.

Looking back, what did you really want to be?
I have always wanted to be an astronaut. I love everything that has to do with outer space. Even now if I have free time I would  check on the NASA website, most of the pictures at home on my wall right now are that of the galaxies. As a kid it has always been about exploring outside our galaxy, or to be in a space station.

You are also into anime. When did this fascination start?
I hate to admit this but in high school I use to bully a kid who was a big fan of Naruto. A lot of things happened between me and that guy, but we resolved some issues and  turned out to be friends.  He gave me a copy of the manga Naruto and after that I was  just entirely fascinated by it. I am drawn to most manga’s storylines— you can as well take a lot of lessons from it about friendship, brotherhood… You also  learn to accept death of a love,  life for what it is, and  move forward. The artform in itself is really amazing… the drawing and the images of the action scenes. It just blew me away! And yeah! In some costume parties I would dress up as one of the characters.

Who would be an anime character that you can relate to?
Saitama from One Punch Man. He is really a chill person and he doesn’t much mind the things that goes on around him. He doesn’t let anyone faze him, or  influence him other than what he loves doing. He is basically setting himself to be a good example to his pupils

Who are you like as the kuya in the house?
I am very noisy. And we laugh a lot. Sometimes, I have to remind my brother that we have to do the chores.  Typical or not, I have to beg for him
to do the dishes. I am not the
disciplinarian type. I am the crazy one. At times I would roll in bed as my way   to wake them up for school.

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You seem to be a good natured guy. What pisses you off?
I wasn’t always like this. I don’t know… the last time I remember I was mad was this morning. I was trying to fix my clothes in bed and my pet cat just made a big mess with it. But you can’t be mad with the cat. I used to be short tempered and that was my big problem in high school. Most especially since I was such a bully. I think that was my weakness. Just a small thing could set me off immediately. Also  I hate it when people take advantage of other people.

From bully to wholesome guy…   
Most of those  I bullied are now my best friends. My change happened in  church, and I forgot the exact message that was delivered… but
basically it was about on being a good Christian. Little by little it was  integrated in me, that changes should start from within. So in doing  my thing, I just  try to  be a good person simply by being mindful of the choices that I make. People will see if you walk the talk. Others would want to see if you messed up, or for you
to be wrong. In spite of the struggle, I am glad that I have  good parents who are there to discipline me  as well as set a good example.

Do you see yourself doing all these things for a long time?
For the next couple years,I may. I still have to work on my saxophone, as well as  finish some videos. So yeah! I may want to do videos full time. Eventually, I want to go home and take up some agricultural course and help out my father.

How about love? If by chance that Korean girl returns for good, and wants to have that second chance with you, will you still be up for it?
That is something to think about.

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