Vatican urges return to in-person Mass as soon as possible

Associated Press 09/13/2020

VATICAN CITY  — The Vatican said Saturday it was “necessary and urgent” to return to in-person Masses as soon as anti-coronavirus measures permit. The head of the Vatican’s liturgy office, Cardinal Robert Sarah, said in a letter…

Pope Francis: Pleasures of food and sex ‘simply divine’

Agence France Presse 09/10/2020

The pleasures of a well-cooked meal or loving sexual intercourse are “divine” and have unjustly fallen victim to “overzealousness” on the part of the Church in the past, Pope Francis says in a book of interviews published…

Vatican: Pandemic makes environment’s care ever more urgent


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis’ impassioned appeal to protect nature is increasingly urgent as the global pandemic alters lifestyles and makes painfully plain the fragility of life, the Vatican said Thursday. The worldwide COVID-19 outbreak struck as…

Pope Francis urges aid to migrants and end to Libya fighting


VATICAN CITY  — Pope Francis on Sunday urged political and military leaders in Libya to end their hostilities and called on the international community to take “to heart” the plight of migrants trapped in the lawless nation.…

Pope Francis to resume window addresses to faithful


Pope Francis on Sunday will address the faithful once more from his window overlooking Saint Peter’s Square, the Vatican said Tuesday, as the city state eased its coronavirus lockdown further. The Argentine pontiff has recited the traditional Angelus…

Promotion makes Tagle 3rd or 2nd most powerful in Vatican

Lito Zulueta 05/03/2020

MANILA, Philippines — With his promotion as “cardinal-bishop,” former Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle is set to become the third and even the second most powerful person in the Vatican after Pope Francis. The promotion likewise enhances…

Promotion makes Tagle 3rd or 2nd most powerful in Vatican

Lito Zulueta 05/03/2020

MANILA, Philippines — With his promotion as “cardinal-bishop,” former Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle is set to become the third and even the second most powerful person in the Vatican after Pope Francis. The promotion likewise enhances…

Preacher to Pope Francis: Virus reminds us we’re all mortal

Associated Press 04/11/2020

VATICAN CITY — In a sign of humble obedience, Pope Francis prostrated himself for a few minutes on the floor of a nearly empty St. Peter’s Basilica in a Good Friday service, where the papal preacher said…

Pope Francis on COVID-19

Atty. Ruphil F. Bañoc 04/10/2020

  In a prayer service which he presided lately at St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis brought us back to the story of Jesus and his disciples when they met a turbulent storm at sea. The story was…

Holy Week rites worldwide disrupted, but not spirit

AFP and AP 04/06/2020

MANILA, Philippines s— For Pope Francis at the Vatican, and for Christians worldwide from churches large and small, this will be an Easter like none other: The joyous message of Christ’s resurrection will be delivered to empty…

‘We are on the same boat’  – Pope Francis


  The current global coronavirus epidemic is a reminder that we are sailing on the same boat — a spiritual voyage regardless of one’s nationality, race, age or social status. The sea of life can be quite calm,…

Vatican says Pope’s symptoms point to simple cold

AFP 03/04/2020

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican said on Tuesday that Pope Francis was still suffering from a cold and not exhibiting other symptoms after a report said he had tested negative for the novel coronavirus. Italy’s Messaggero newspaper…

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