Members of VECO’s Revenue Protection Department take out announcements and posters that are posted on VECO poles in Barangay Kasambagan. Comelec rules prohibit the posting of campaign materials on electric posts.
As the campaign for the upcoming May elections heat up, the Visayan Electric Company, Inc. (VECO) is reminding the public, candidates, and their supporters not to post campaign materials on its electric poles.
The Commission on Elections released last January Resolution No. 10488, reiterating the provisions of Republic Act 9006 or the Fair Elections Act, which provides rules on campaigning for the elections. Section 7 F of the said Comelec Resolution states that during the campaign period, it is unlawful “to post or display or exhibit any election campaign or propaganda material outside of common poster areas, in public places, or in private properties without the consent of the owner thereof.”
The resolution also provides that street and lamp posts and electric posts and wires, that are on public properties, are considered as public places.
“VECO is appealing to the candidates and their supporters to heed the Comelec Resolution and keep our poles free from campaign materials,” said Anton Mari G. Perdices, VECO EVP and COO.
Perdices added that as part of its maintenance and safety, poles should be free from any unnecessary attachments and posters.
Last March 23, VECO’s Revenue Protection Department, headed by Engr. Ramonito Omboy, already started a pole clean up drive along Barangay Kasambagan. The pole clean-up drive, will continue as long as there are announcements and campaign materials posted on VECO poles.
“The law provides that campaign materials are to be posted on designated poster areas. We in VECO hope that the public, our customers, will help us keep our poles poster free. Let us follow and respect the law,” Engr. Omboy said.