Stop choosing these things for your life


Make your life better. Stop choosing things that are detrimental to your life. In photo are two women jumping with joy aon top of a mountain.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Life has a lot of choices and we need to stop making some choices to better ourselves.

Choices we keep on making out of habit. Choices we don’t think are bad for us.

Today, learn to stop choosing these things for yourself.

Doubts over peace— relax your mind by allowing it to rest on the realities and not imagine things out of doubts and frustrations. Allow yourself to be at peace for yourself and for others. Make peace your priority and start choosing it over doubts.

Putting others first— you can still help by choosing yourself first than others. You can always see things in a different light by choosing you than harming yourself just by choosing others to help them. Help you this time.

Stop ignoring the signs— your intuition is something you don’t often use or value because you think these are just all made up from our emotions. That may be right, but most of the time, read in between the lines and follow the signs, follow your gut feel.

Wasting your energy— as you protect your peace, protect your energy and use to the things that matter most, share it to the people who you think shares the same energy as you.

Wasting time— make the most of the time you have, do small things consistently and be happy in every moment you have now. Learn to live in the moment and stop wasting the time you have here. Make the most out of it!

In small ways, you can always choose to move forward and let life give you the best there is.

This time stop making the choices that are not making your life worthwhile.



Things that you need to be reminded of every now and then

Habits to a happy life

Let go of those habits that can drag you down

Pay attention to the things that matter

Things to do to help you change for the better

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