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Break time means Tiktok time for this security guard from Butuan City


Security Guard Arnel Pineda guards a dialysis center in Butuan City. | screen grab from Tiktok video

Security Guard Arnel Pineda guards a dialysis center in Butuan City. | screen grab from Tiktok video

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Tiktok has just reinvented the game on social media.

Who could have expected a Fleetwood Mac song, “Dreams”, to top the charts again after 40 years? Well, Tiktok made it happen. In Butuan City, Tiktok made a security guard with his dance entry of him making work and play more entertaining, even famous.

Read: TikTok viral video sends Fleetwood Mac hit racing back up the charts

Arnel Penida is the viral security guard doing a Tiktok dance while manning a dialysis center in Butuan City.

Netizen Matet Gerona, 21, uploaded the video of Penida whom she caught dancing gracefully for his Tiktok acocunt.

And not just for a few followers, but apparently Penida is Tiktok famous as he has 400,000 plus followers on the social networking site.

Gerona was accompanying a dialysis patient at that time when she stumbled on Penida’s dance moves.

Don’t worry, Penida did his Tiktok moment on his break.



After recording his dance moves, Gerona immediately uploaded the video on October 6 which then garnered so much attention online.

With almost 80,000 shares Penida noticed the video and sent a message to Gerona saying how happy he was about the video.

“He said that he is happy to make people happy, and that this was also his way of destressing at work,” she said.

Curious of Kuya Guard’s Tiktok’s entries?

Check him out in his Tiktok account, @ryniel penida.

Strut those moves, Arnel, and let them drool on your talent in entertaining! /dbs

TAGS: guard
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