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Here’s proof that it’s never too late to try something new

Rotello Escanilla, 73, BPO agent.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Age is indeed just a number. 

This was proven by 73-year-old Rotello Escanilla, who went viral lately after being photographed while applying for a BPO (business process outsourcing job in Bogo City, Cebu last Saturday, January 29, 2022.

Rodge Tonacao, IT officer of the local government of Bogo, told CDN Digital that this happened during a job fair in partnership with a BPO company. 

“We thought he was just here to accompany his grandchild to apply for a job. It was actually the other way around,” Tonacao said. 

Tonacao even revealed that Escanilla was excited to be in the midst of other applicants and opted not to be given special treatment for being a senior citizen. 

“He became an instant favorite and everyone was rooting for him,” Tonacao added. “But in fairness, he doesn’t sound like a 73-old-man. He is soft spoken and sounded like a millennial.” 

CDN Digital’s post of Escanilla’s photos went viral, gaining 1,900 shares as of this posting. 


The good news? Escanilla was hired!

Now, netizens are calling out the company if it is possible to give this BPO agent a day shift to lessen the burden of the work that may affect his health. 

Nevertheless, everyone seems happy to see this kind of inclusivity and inspiration.



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