
The power of positivity: How to manifest what you want in life?

CEBU CITY, Philippines — The start of a new month is like a new beginning for all of us.  And we always look forward to better and brighter days ahead.

This July, let’s manifest that we will finally achieve our heart’s desires.

When you manifest, you start to believe that you will finally achieve what you desire the most.  It is focusing your mind on a desired outcome.

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If you start the month by manifesting the things that you would like to achieve, paired with hard work and perseverance, it is likely to happen.

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But what are the most common things people manifest?  Let’s take a look at some of them:

1. A Lasting Relationship

A real and lasting relationship is hard to find these days. With everyone almost having traumas when it comes to getting into relationships, manifesting for a good match takes longer than just manifesting for a sunny day for the beach weekend. This can be a manifestation not just for romantic relationships, but also for relationships with friends and family.

2. Good Health and An Active Lifestyle

In this fast-paced world, taking care of ourselves can sometimes come last on our list. As we dive into being conscious of our health, moving and getting on track can be a challenge of commitment. Thus, manifesting for good health can help set our minds into doing what needs to be done for this manifestation to work.

3. Abundance in Money

Manifesting for a raise, a promotion, or a successful business can be a handful. Manifesting for greener pastures can help inspire us to do more and go the distance. You get to align with what you really want to do in the future and work hard for it in the present. Also, part of this manifestation is for you to finally become debt-free.

4. Safety

In manifestations, you don’t just manifest your wants. The needs should also be manifested. But, how would you manifest safety for your family, friends, and yourself. Manifesting safety for the month can also mean working to become free of illnesses and accidents, and just have a good month to live life.

5. Good Vibes

Attracting peace should not be taken lightly. Attracting and manifesting peace should be a big thing. We should put this on a higher pedestal because a peaceful life can lead to more chances for opportunities to open and more chances for life to flourish. Send out the bad vibes to those who would want them.

Manifesting can be a powerful tool to shape our lives positively. By focusing our minds and energies on what we truly desire, whether it’s a lasting relationship, good health, financial abundance, safety, or good vibes, we set the stage for these aspirations to become reality.

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