
First day of school jitters, embrace them, find your place there

First day of school jitters. Students find their classrooms as they attend the first day of the school year. | Paul Lauro

Students find their classrooms as they attend the first day of the school year. | Paul Lauro

CEBU CITY, Philippines— First day blues.

Waking up for the first day of school gives us the shivers. Shivers in a good way because of excitement, and shivers of being nervous about the many things that can happen on the first day.

One of these nerve-wracking moments is when our teacher tells us to introduce ourselves.



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But we all know there are more things that get to our nerves on the first day of classes.

Here are some of them:

Meeting New People:

The prospect of meeting new classmates and teachers can be daunting. Will they be friendly? Will you find your place among them? The uncertainty can make anyone nervous.

Finding Their Way Around:

Navigating a new school or campus can be confusing and stressful. The fear of getting lost or not finding the right classroom on time adds to the anxiety.

Fitting In:

Concerns about making friends and fitting in with peer groups. Will you find someone to sit with at lunch? Will you be able to join the right group of friends? These social worries are common.


Worrying about looking presentable and wearing the right clothes. The pressure to dress appropriately and look your best can be overwhelming, especially when everyone seems to be looking at each other.

Academic Performance:

Worries about the difficulty of the coursework and the expectations of new teachers. Will the subjects be too hard? Will you be able to keep up with the assignments and tests?

Class Participation:

Anxiety about being called on to speak in front of the class. Whether it’s introducing yourself or answering a question, speaking up in class can be intimidating.

New Routines:

Adjusting to new schedules, class times, and school rules. Getting used to a new routine takes time, and the fear of missing something important or being late can be stressful.

Social Situations:

Managing social interactions and potential conflicts. The dynamics of a new class mean learning how to interact with different personalities, which can be challenging.

Previous Experiences:

Lingering anxiety from previous negative school experiences. Past difficulties in school can resurface and add to the first day jitters.

The first day of school is a significant event filled with mixed emotions. It’s perfectly normal to feel both excited and nervous. Remember, you’re not alone— many students share these feelings, and it gets easier as the days go by. Embrace the new beginnings, and soon enough, you’ll find your rhythm and place in the new environment.

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