|CDN Digital
CEBU CITY, Philippines— Inay, Nanay, Mama and Mommy, these are just some of the many names we call the strongest woman in our lives— our mothers.
Mothers speak in different languages to make sure that they have everything covered, from the breakfast preparations to the soccer games up to the wedding day of their children.
Since Mother’s Day 2019 is just a few hours away, here are some of the Filipino mothers we have grown up with:
* Lady of the house— This kind of mom is the one that usually stays at home. She knows the ins and outs of the house and how to run the household like a colonel.
* Away mom — She is the mom, who works away from her family — an OFW (overseas Filipino worker) mother. This kind of mothers are considered to be among the strongest mothers because they work thousands of miles from home to provide for their families.
* Stage mom — This mom is present in all your school plays, sports games and even during the school elections. Expect her to be there with a game face on.
* Best tita to all — She is the mom, who are strict to their children, but when it comes to their children’s friends and cousins, she is just like their best friend.
* Cool mom— This kind of mom is the one you see online sharing memes and posting their #OOTDs and #ATM pictures with their friends. She is the kind, who usually hangs out with your friends, too.
* Dramatic mom — She is the mom, who easily cries at even the simplest of reasons there is — may it be from watching her favorite soap operas to you coming home late.
Mothers are different in their own ways, but one thing is for sure, they all have the same mission, and that is to care and look after the people they love. /dbs
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