Pop Culture

Five-year-old’s internet connection ‘improved a little’ after her viral video



CEBU CITY, Philippines—  Remember Zane Akila?

The viral five-year-old girl ranting about their slow internet connection?

CDN Digital was able to ask for updates from Akila’s mother, Angelie Gutierrez and she said, it has improved a little.

“After the video came out, we are already experiencing minimal to zero interruption. But, at times, we still have a slow internet connection,” she said.

With this little improvement, Akila is able to answer most of her worksheets but still gets irritated when the internet connection starts to slow down to a complete stop.

Gutierrez said that if the internet acts up, she just diverts Akila’s attention and starts giving her worksheets where she can paint and divert her attention from their internet connection.

“I’m also limiting her time with the computer for her eyes. But give her enough time to play just to keep her happy and busy,” she added.

But the family is still hoping that have a better internet connection since school is about to start.

Don’t worry, Zane, let’s hope that our country’s internet providers are doing their best to give us better internet services.

Let’s give them until December, shall we?

 Here’s her viral rant video, that as of August 2, 2020, has been viewed 2.7 million.


If you want more of this witty young lady, you can follow her on her Youtube channel and Facebook page, It’s Me Zane./dbs


TAGS: internet connection, trending
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