CEBU CITY, Philippines— Our energy makes up a huge part of our mood and ability to decide and function.
It guides us on a daily basis.
Our energy should not be spent on things or people who show little to no care for us.
Don’t waste your energy on these things:
What others think
Let them think the way they want to think about you or anyone else. Let that go, focus on you, and let them think whatever. Just know you and be confident about it.
People who don’t care
They can disguise themselves as friends for all you know, but you’ll know the feeling when one is just there, physically and not emotionally. You don’t need that, let that go, too.
One-sided relationship
If it comes to the point that you finally noticed that you are the only one giving in the relationship, that will suck all the good energy in you. While you can, leave, save your energy for something better.
Solving others’ problems
If they ask for help, help. But it is not your obligation to solve their problem. You get too frustrated with solving it that you wasted your good energy on it. Let them solve their own problems because you have your own problems to deal with.
Trying to be busy
RELAX! To take a pause does not mean you are showing a sign of weakness. Busy does not always mean success. So, take time to relax and focus your energy on making it work.
Your energy is one of your biggest weapons in life, learn how to use and share it wisely.
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