25k join Barug PDP-Laban rallies in Cebu City – cops

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 04/02/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Nearly 25,000 individuals participated in the simultaneous rallies organized by Barug PDP-Laban in Cebu City Friday night, April 1, 2022. Despite the presence of a huge crowd, the political gatherings remained peaceful and…

Cops going after new drug group after buy-bust yields P34.8M shabu

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/28/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Police are going after a new growing drug group that operates in Cebu City.  This was after the Cebu City policemen caught two cousins with 5.1 kilos of suspected shabu during last Saturday’s…

CCPO on heightened alert status for 2022 polls

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/28/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Despite peaceful local campaign in the past few days, the Cebu City police remain on heightened alert status for May 2022 polls. This means all police are on standby should their forces be…

P39-M drug haul in 2 separate Cebu City buy-bust operations — police

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/26/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Some P39 million worth of suspected shabu’ was confiscated at 30 minutes after midnight of March 26, 2022 in two separate police operations in Cebu City. The buy-bust operation along Panganiban Balagtas St.…

Cockpit organizers in Cebu City told: Police your own arenas

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/25/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cockpit organizers in Cebu City are asked to police their own arenas as the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) could not assign individual police to do so. Police Lieutenant Janette Rafter, chief of…

Local campaign day 1: Peaceful, orderly, with a bit of traffic

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/25/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cebu City police initially assessed that the first day of the local campaign here is generally peaceful and orderly. Police Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter, chief of operations of the Cebu City Police Office…

Cebu City police urges political supporters not to remove campaign posters of rivals

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/25/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — The Cebu City Police Office is urging political supporters to refrain from ripping out or writing negative comments on campaign posters of rivals, especially with the start of the local campaign on Friday,…

CHR-7 to probe children used as human shields in Carbon clashes

Delta Dyrecka Letigio 03/24/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights in Central Visayas (CHR-7) will be investigating the incidents at the Carbon Market where children were allegedly used as human shields by vendors to push back market personnel.…

Bars, nightclubs in Cebu City warned: Maintain peace and order or face closure

Delta Dyrecka Letigio 03/21/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama warned bars and nightclubs to maintain peace and order in their establishments or else they may face closure. This after street fights have been reported in the city…

Parilla: No security threat during Tutok to Win Partylist campaign rally

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/19/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — A top police official here dismissed speculations of a security threat during the Tutok to Win Partylist campaign rally that was held at the Cebu City Sports Center Friday night, March 18. Police…

Cebu City cops ready to secure local campaign for 2022 polls

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/19/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — A total of 50 uniformed policemen from the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) are now being prepared for deployment during the official start of the local campaign period on March 25. These cops…

Cebu City police continue to fine-tune summer vacation security plans

Pegeen Maisie M. Sararaña 03/18/2022

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cebu City policemen continue to fine-tune security plans for the summer vacation in the city by coordinating with the city’s tourism office in identifying operational tourist destinations here. This would be part of…

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