

Kim Araneta with daughter Adriana

IT’S not just a souvenir shirt anymore. Islands Souvenirs’ ability to tap into the most current of trends and capturing the zeitgeist is unparalleled.

This year, for Sinulog, they’ve raised the shredding of tees in a bid to personalize it into nothing short of an artform. Importing master shredder Adam Saaks, who wielded a pair of scissors, turning a plain black tee into, well, something else.

Adam, Agent Provocateur called, they want their provocateurs back. The electricity in the crowd at the fashion show came in anticipation of finally training the spotlight—quite literally— on Cebu’s next generation of It girls and boys, many of whom made their runway debut that night.

And now the fun part.

After a coup like this, you can only set yourself up for an even bigger one. What will Islands Souvenirs come up with next?

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