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‘Sorry langga’ lechon best peace offering there is!

'Sorry langga' lechon by Precious Joy Requiso - Postrano

‘Sorry langga’ lechon by Precious Joy Requiso – Postrano

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Another head-turner lechon from Cebu is making waves online.

This time it is not covered in any eye-catching colors or patterns, rather this lechon has a “kilig” message imprinted on its crispy skin.

Precious Joy Requiso-Postrano the maker of this lechon and the famous black and stripped lechon from Danao City, shared with CDN Digital the cute but simple story of her new and trending lechon.

“It was requested by my customer who is a foreigner, he and his wife are newly married and had a petty fight. So he reached out to me and said to make it unique to make sure nga di na maka resist iyang wife ang magka ok sila (that his wife cannot resist and that their relationship will be okay.),” she shared.

And to no surprise, the lechon did its think, once again!


“Super duper surprise sya [wife] kay naay lechon and mas na surprise sya sa naka suwat,” she added.

(It’s a super duper surprise for the wife because there is a lechon and she will be more surprised on what is written on the lechon.)

This “Sorry langga” lechon is making rounds online giving other couples an idea of a perfect peace offering.  


No more plates? No problem, lechon skin is it!

Black lechon, anyone?


TAGS: lechon
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