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Kid in Mandaue, Cebu reminds us of how fun rain can be

CEBU CITY, Philippines— It was a rainy Monday afternoon on September 11, 2023, in Cebu City and everyone was not having it, especially with the bad flooding and traffic.

Almost all social media posts are rants about the traffic, the flood, and the long lines at terminals.

But this one post gave a different take on the rain.

Race Mathheu, a seven-year-old kid from Mandaue City, gave us all a positive take on the rain. In a social media post, Race was seen dancing under the rain while waiting for his mom, Jin Ceniza, to pick him up from school.

According to Ceniza, she got a message from a fellow parent who sent her a photo of Race enjoying the rain while others took shelter.

When she arrived at the school, Race was drenched but carried a huge smile.

“When I arrived to pick him up, he was dripping wet in the car and I asked him why [he didn’t take shelter]. He told me he wanted to take the opportunity to dance in the rain because it makes him happy and he thinks it is so fun to dance and run under the rain,” she said.

Coming from a long day and having to deal with Cebu’s traffic, Ceniza found comfort seeing her son smiling after having a good time under the rain while waiting for her.

“I had a good laugh and I wished I was able to see it in person because I usually record his funny antics on video. But this one, his friend’s mom just sent me a pic ‘coz I was stuck in traffic going to his school,” she added.

Thank you, Race for showing us the happiness rain can bring!

Oh, how fun it is to have a kid’s innocence, right?



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TAGS: inspiration, Kids, rain
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