
Summer tip: Try social media detox

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Break free from the shackles of social media this summer!

Detoxify away from social media usage even just for a short period.

Social media detox refers to cleansing yourself away from the strings of social media. It offers you a break from just tapping, scrolling, and looking at all your social media accounts everyday.


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This gives you a different kind of cleansing that you never knew you needed.

Why should you detoxify from social media?

social media detox

Get out  and check out the beaches while detoxifying from social media. | CDN Digital photo

Mental reset

Breaking free from social media reduces stress, comparison, and anxiety, promoting better mental well-being.

Boost productivity

When you escape scrolling and checking notifications, you reclaim focus and accomplish more  by doing what you want to do and not just procrastinating about it.

Sleep soundly

When you cut out screen time before bed, you get better sleep quality, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Strengthen bonds

Disconnect to reconnect!  Disconnecting digitally makes you connect emotionally—spend quality time with loved ones, fostering deeper relationships and memories.

Rediscover you

Stepping away from screens makes you rediscover the simple pleasures of life—explore new hobbies, soak up nature, and embrace real-life experiences.

Most often than not, we see ourselves giving our foot forward on social media for others to see. Some just do it because they feel good and want to share it with others.

Nothing is wrong with the use of social media, it helps us in many ways and we love getting some inspiration online.

But remember, there’s a greater life outside the small screens we see every day.

Soak in the sun, the laughter, and the warmth of the people you are with or will be with this summer.

GET OUT THERE! Leave your phone and live life away from social media.

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