
Here’s your lucky forecast for the Year of the Tiger

- January 31, 2022

Xin Nian Kuai Le!

Chinese New Year takes place on February 1 this year and since 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger, it is believed that anyone born under this sign will have a promising year with plenty of luck and opportunities in many aspects of their life.

The Tiger is known as the king of all beasts in Asia, particularly in China. The zodiac sign Tiger is a symbol of strength and braveness.

There are many ways to drive in luck and prosperity in your homes, career, love, and health but there are experts who study the signs that help predict our future and use them as a guide in our daily tasks and future choices.

As we usher in the Chinese New Year, we also welcome the start of the zodiac year. Are you ready to know what this year has in store for you? Here is what 2022 has in store for you according to travelchinaguide.com.

Year of the GOAT

1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015


The Goat natives are likely to meet some happy things in 2022. They will probably meet a charming partner in some social activities, who are honest, kind-hearted, and self-disciplined. The Goat’s tolerant personality will also leave a good impression on the other side.


In 2022, people born in the year of Goat are advised to learn to restrain themselves and obey the rules of the workplace, in which way they may draw attention from leaders and get appreciation. It is a lucky year for them to make legal and reasonable wealth.


In terms of health, the fortune for people born in the year of Goat is not very well. Do not work overtime or be greedy for alcohol, which will lead to a bad impact on their health. 

Year of the HORSE

1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014


The health of people born in the year of Horse is generally good in 2022, just do not work overtime too often or drink too much alcohol, otherwise, they may suffer a stomach upset every now and then.


For Horse natives, 2022 is the year to try their best to pass professional examinations and seek their wanted position or job. Because the possibility of success is very high according to the Horse fortune in 2022. They will also be blessed with many ways to earn money this year.   


For single Horses, the females may have a few chances to know some handsome males and start dating. The male bachelors need to make more efforts to get attached and derive happiness from the love relationship. For those married, they can generally live a happy life only if they are willing to accompany their partner in their spare time.

Year of the SNAKE

1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013


Single males born in the year of the Snake are not blessed with too much luck and it is not easy for them to find their Mrs. Right this year. The fortune for single females is better; do not be hurry after meeting the right person and let the relationship develop steadily step by step.


In 2022, people with the Snake sign will face both good fortune and misfortune in their careers. They are very likely to draw attention from leaders but it is predicted that there will be also fierce competition and contradictions with other workmates. The luck in wealth for employees is good. They may receive some bonus and higher salary after promotion.


The health fortune for the Snake natives is on a downtrend. In addition to potential physical problems like respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease, they are strongly advised to adjust their mental status in a timely, because bad temper and impulsiveness can lead to body conflicts with others and bring themselves injuries.

Year of the DRAGON

1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012


People born in the Year of the Dragon are always aggressive and pioneering. In 2022, they have a favorable fortune in their careers. Their luck in wealth is acceptable this year, mainly on income from normal work, not from investment or speculation.


The Dragon fortune in 2022 is not ideal in terms of health. They are easy to get hurt. It is better to be careful in daily life and avoid stirring up troubles. Women and seniors should pay special attention to regular medical check-ups and seek treatment in time if there is any problem.


Dragon people have little luck in romance in 2022. They may meet some candidates but it is hard for them to fall in love. They can focus on improving their work and income in the first half of the year. Start to be active in dating at the year-end, and there would be a greater chance of success.

Year of the RABBIT

1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011


In 2022, Rabbit people need to watch out for skin, muscle, gastrointestinal, and respiratory problems. Be careful not to start a fight with others, or they may get hurt. For Rabbit drivers, dangerous driving or drunk driving should be avoided. Try not to drive very far northeast or east. 


The people with the Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign might face great challenges in their careers this 2022. It is hard for them to seize the opportunities to breakthrough in their careers. In particular, they need to guard against various unexpected expenses. For those in business, there are some opportunities, but it is advised to be cautious.


The year 2022 is not ideal for single Rabbits to meet their suitable partners. Their high self-esteem and strong personality make them unpopular with the opposite sex. For those who have a partner or are married, discord may arise this year. They are sometimes too aggressive to take advice from others. 

Year of the MONKEY

1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016


In 2022, the Monkey natives should not be impulsive, which may cause unexpected injuries. Also, there is the possibility for them to suffer from the disease of the respiratory system, so pay more attention to taking care of themselves in their daily lives, especially when the temperature drops suddenly.

Career and Finance

For this year, the Monkey natives may experience many ups and downs in their careers. During the work, different obstacles might pop up often. According to their fortune prediction this 2022, they’d better not seek extra wealth out of their control or abilities,  otherwise many difficulties will influence their regular income.  


For singles, their love fortune is not good in 2022. Because of their hesitation and impulse, and disturbances from others, it seems a little hope for them to get rid of the status of being single. For those in a relationship, their bond may be challenged,  which leads to quarrels and conflicts, and even worse, breakup. They are advised to be calm and more active to keep the relationship steady. 

Year of the ROOSTER

1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017


In 2022, it’s possible for single Roosters to know some opposite sexes, but difficult for them to make actual progress and start dating; and it’s even harder for females. They are advised to be more active and make more efforts in order to become attached. For those in marriage or dating with others, their love relationship may go ups and downs several times in the lunar February.


Compared with a fortune in other aspects, Roosters’ fortune in health is not very good in 2022. They are likely to be vulnerable to skin and enterogastric diseases, especially the elders hence advised to pay more attention to personal hygiene, eat healthily and regularly, and do not go to crowded places.


According to Rooster fortune in 2022, their good luck in careers will help them perform well. Their working efficiency will also be greatly increased benefiting from their talents and improved working abilities. The wealth fortune for them is also good this year. Don’t be lazy and work hard, it’s very likely for them to gain increasing income from work. 

Year of the DOG

1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018


In 2022, the Dog natives may be given more opportunities to show their talents and more work to test their abilities to work under pressure. As they are willing to follow the supervisors’ arrangements and can finish work well on time, their salary is satisfying. In general, their luck in wealth is good in 2022.


Dog natives may suffer from some diseases, like skin disease and intestinal tract disease this 2022. If you’re keeping a pet, be careful of allergies. Keep regular exercising, which will help a lot.


For the single Dog natives, their love fortune is not very well in 2022. They may make many new friends, even with the opposite sex, but need to make more efforts to get romantic feedback from the one they are interested in. It is even more difficult for males than females. 

Year of the PIG

1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019


With good communication skills or proper attitudes and behaviors, single male Pigs can easily make good impressions on single females, so they are likely to make a girlfriend in 2022. The fortune in a love relationship for single females is not as good as their male peers. 


Pig natives should stay away from dangerous sports and activities this 2022. When traveling, watch out for some unexpected injuries, some of which may lead to bleeding and disability at its worst.


In 2022, Chinese zodiac Pig people will have chances to engage in many projects. During the process, their talents, knowledge, and skills will be fully unveiled; their working abilities will be greatly improved and they will meet more workmates and get along well with them. Their fortune in wealth is also good. If they work harder and think more, they can achieve a favorable income.

Year of the RAT

1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020


Based on Rat fortune in 2022, it is not easy for them to achieve great successes in their careers. But they may find golden chances to make a good performance in work and get promoted. They also should really rely on themselves this year to make more money.


According to Rat fortune in 2022, they need to be cautious of accidents all the time. When traveling, they are advised to take care of their belongings and do not go out alone late at night in order to avoid being robbed. In addition, they are advised to go hiking or have social activities with their partners to release pressure and breathe the fresh air, which is conducive to improving their health condition.


Single Rat natives won’t have good fortune in love life this year. They need to be more determined and patient to break all kinds of obstacles to get opportunities of meeting a charming partner.

Year of the OX

1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021


The love fortune of zodiac Ox people this 2022 would be stable. If a single person encounters the interested opposite sex, please do not hesitate, just treat him or her with sincerity, so that it is easy to develop a stable relationship. Married people are likely to make fewer efforts to maintain a love relationship this year, so their marriage life would be plain. Therefore, they should create some surprises every now and then, so that they can make life romantic.


As for health, there won’t be accidents for the Ox natives this year. Although there are occasional diseases, most of them are small problems such as colds and fevers, which won’t influence their health a lot. 

Career and Finance

Ox’s career would be smooth in 2022. The fortune prediction indicates that there are many good opportunities for promotion.

As for their fortune prediction, the overall wealth situation would be stable. Although there is no opportunity to make big bucks, most people born with the Chinese zodiac Ox can maintain the stability of their economic income at least.

Year of the TIGER

1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022


Talking about Tiger natives’ career this 2022, they should think thoroughly before taking action, by which way to avoid many mistakes or troubles. When in difficulties, they are likely to receive unexpected help from someone.

Their luck in wealth for this year is just so-so. Although they may receive a higher salary, especially those engaged in the catering industry, their daily expense may be higher.


The fortune in love and relationships for people with the Chinese zodiac Tiger is not ideal. Singles have only a few chances to meet their Mr. or Mrs. Right. Also, they seem to be aggressive rather than tolerant towards the one they are interested in, failing to earn themselves good impressions.


Influenced greatly by the bad stars in their Ben Ming Nian, Tigers are likely to suffer from spleen and stomach disorders or respiratory diseases. Those born in spring and summer may also experience sleeplessness. All in all, they should pay more effort to take care of themselves.


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