
How the sport of running helped these individuals

BADIAN, CEBU— On your marks, get set, go!

To all running enthusiasts, athletes, running junkies and those wanting to get into this fitness journey, this is your day.

Today, June 5, is Global Running Day, which is celebrated to encourage us to get off our couches and take a quick run or jog.

SRP robbery

In Cebu, a vibrant community of runners embodies the spirit of this day. Let’s meet some of the more notable running personalities in Cebu and explore how running, which is the considered as the most accessible sport, helped each one of them.

Running: Something truly special

First on the list is the force of nature in running scene in Cebu, 24-year-old long-distance runner, Artjoy Torregosa.

READ MORE: Who is Artjoy Torregosa?

Torregosa shares with CDN Digital how running helped her.

“Running isn’t just an ordinary for me it’s something truly special. Running helps me continue my studies  at the University of San Carlos. Running gives me more confidence to communicate with other people, and running helps me a lot, especially in financial matters like allowance and giving my father monthly maintenance.” — Artjoy Torregosa

Even with the constant comments she gets from people around her about how she’s been so focused in running, she shrugs them off, knowing that running is her partner in attaining her dreams in life.

“I know that many people say, ‘Grabi pa mugas man sigi dagan,’ but they don’t know that running is my life to sustain all my needs, and helps me closer to my dreams,” she said.

Artjoy Torregosa

Long-distance runner Artjoy Torregosa. | Photos from Torregosa’s Facebook page


Torregosa’s dream of getting out there in the running in the local, national and international scene wouldn’t be possible without this most sought-after running coach in Cebu, Arvin Loberanis, who is known in Cebu for producing top-notch athletes.

Loberanis on coaching: More than just a job

While many thank for him for sharing his knowledge, skills and time in training not just athletes but those who would want to learn the basics and right way of running, Loberanis’ relationship with running and athletics is just more than a job for him.

“I got my degree through running, It also helped me physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Running is not only a sport to me but it is already part of my life.” –Arvin Loberanis

His humility, patience and light-hearted ways of training athletes, budding runners and runners who are just maintaining a healthy lifestyle exudes inspiration and determination.

Duster King: Running changed my life

Meanwhile, this runner makes head turn every race. Not because of his flashy running outfits and gears, but because of his “duster”choices.

Meet, Leonecel Arban, or popularly known as Duster King, in the local running scene.

If you often join running races in the Metro, he is so easy to notice because of his colorful and over the top duster fits and props.

Duster King

Duster King during the SM2SM Run in February 2024. | John Velez photography

But before being able to make fun runs more fun, Duster King had a rough past that he needed to get pass through.

“Nakatabang siya sa akong lawas, kay tungud sa running na down akong timbang, nya na divert akong mga bisyu sad padung sa running. Sa akong mental health sad, mga problema, og kalagut nako. Ako rajud na idagan aron ko ma lamdagan sa akong huna huna,” he said.

(It helped my health, because of running, I lost weight and all my vices were diverted to running. And my mental health, my problems and all my frustrations. I just run to clear my mind.)

He even said that with his own gimik during races, he was able to unleash his creative side through his costumes and outfits.

“With running, I realized that life is really good. It made me feel that it’s always good to be with family for a long time, to be with my kids while they’re young and above all, running is the reason why my love life is blooming, especially when we go on a running date!” –Duster King

Running in the eyes of the writer

Personally, I see the sport of running as something that completes my day or week.

Just like how Duster King said it, it helped me balanced not just my physical capacity, but my mental health as well.

Finishing fast is not the entire purpose of running, but rather, finishing strong and safe.

Put it this way: You train more than how your body allows you or push so hard on the race day and get injured or not able to enjoy the race.

Running helped me shrug off every egoistic thought I have. It reminds me of how amazing our mind and body can work.

Cebu’s prominent runner, like Artjoy Torregosa, running coach Arvin Loberanis and joyful and creative runner, Duster King, they exemplify how running helped them.

As we celebrate Global Running Day, let’s take inspiration from these local runners and embrace the joy and health benefits that the sport of running brings. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a beginner, lace up your shoes and join the global movement to get moving.

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