Photo from JP Maunes
CEBU CITY, Philippines— Dragon bike?
Yes, a bike adorned with used plastic bottles that were made to resemble a dragon.
Cool, right?
This is what ka-Siloy Jp Maunes shared with CDN Digital when they chanced upon this rider and his bike on Saturday, April 17 in downtown Cebu City.
Maunes, team manager of the PADS Dragonboat Racing Team, expressed their interest in the bike because they too could relate because of the sport that they were in.
“ Ganahan unta namo storyaan basin interested xa I baligya iyaha bike kai karelate kaayo mi sa dragon boat team,” he said.
(We wanted to talk to him if he was interested in selling the bike to us because we in the Dragon Boat team can relate to that bike.)
While this rider cruises the streets in Cebu, many netizens lauded his creativity in making something beautiful of some waste materials like these plastic bottles.
To whomever this bike belongs to, good job in making it look one of a kind, and remember to always wear a helmet to be safe while cruising the streets of Cebu City.
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